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El Saidy

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Branches - Updated on 2019-09-05

  • Faisal


  • Cairo - haram

Updated on: 2019-09-05

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El Saidy


Branches - Updated on 2019-09-05

  • Faisal

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El Saidy Restaurant Branches

226 Haram Street, in front of Royal Center   Center Translations of center NounFrequency مركز center, station, position, post, office, focus وسط center, middle, midst, medium, waist, milieu قلب heart, center, core, middle, inverting, overturn محور axis, hub, center, heart, pivot, shaft ركز centre Verb وسط centre ركز focus, concentrate, center, fasten, distil, condense حدد مركز center, centre حدد locate, set, determine, define, limit, mark Definitions of center Noun 1 the middle point of a circle or sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface. She was so angered by this thought that she had changed forms and was halfway to the center of the circle before she realized what she was doing. 2 the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused. the city was a center of discontent Verb 1 have or cause to have something as (a major concern or theme). the case centers around the couple's adopted children Synonyms: focus concentrate pivot hinge revolve be based 2 more definitions Synonyms of center Noun middle shopping centre center field marrow center of attention snapper midpoint nerve centre Verb focus concentrate on Adjective halfway 44 more synonyms